Model Description
The THEIN Baroque-Trumpet in D with plug-in bows for Eb and C.
Key:D (440 Hz) or D (415 Hz)
- reproduction after Johann Wilhelm Haas, Nuremberg 1746
- reproduction after Friedrich Ehe, Nuremberg 1720
Mouthpiece: Choose from our large range of historical mouthpieces.
The THEIN historical Instruments are built with hand crafting techniques. Order your instrument of choice with a thin, hand-hammered bell in the finest instrument brass or decide for a completely authentic replication in terms of construction and historical material.
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On the basis of original materials and analyzes, THEIN developed historical brass for historical instrument making since the beginning of 1980s. From the melt to casted blocks, from the blocks forged down to sheet metal, from the sheet metal to tubes and finally to the bell. The historical instruments at THEIN were authentically manufactured based on the brass instrument making in the 17th century. Even today you can purchase the historical instruments in this authentic construction.