We insure your instrument
Are you looking for brass instrument insurance? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to insure your instrument world wide through our musical instrument insurance.
The prices are affordable:
Value of the instrument up to € 5,000 = 2.5% of the value as an annual fee
Value of the instrument over € 5,000 = 2% of the value as an annual fee
Value of the instrument over € 10,001 = 1.8% of the value as an annual fee
For example, what is insured?
Loss, destruction or damage of the insured items as a result of an insured risk, as long as the insured items are handled by the registered user (buyer)
a) be carried or used in person or
b) be kept in a room of an occupied permanent building or
c) are stored unsupervised in suitable rooms or